Serve Abroad Projects

Projects with Children
Partnerships exist with multiple organisations and work is available across various age groups: 0-4 years, 4-11 years and teenagers.
Literacy programs, professional development for carers in orphanages, occupational health assessments and general care are some examples of the type of work needed. Do you have a different program, idea or skill set you'd like to share? If so, please get in touch with us!

Projects with Women
Partner organisations provide care and training to women at risk of domestic violence and homelessness.
Some needs include: professional development for Social Workers, providing medical treatment/assistance to the women or developing programs that are sustainable and can be implemented by local professionals.
Do you have a skill that can be shared with women to provide an income or improve their quality of life? Literacy programs, sewing classes and basic business bookkeeping are just some brief examples of what is needed.

Projects with Juveniles in Detention
Opportunities exist to teach English, a trade, art, drama or music.
In addition to providing training for the youth, we are also looking for people who can provide programs for the social workers to implement, like literacy and numeracy programs.

Who Are We Looking For?
There are projects currently available for the following professions:
Social Workers
Occupational Therapists
We also have work available for other Professionals and also Gap Year students, please send an enquiry to
We are very open to new ideas! Got a skill or program you'd like to share? Let us know!